Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Is there any honestly in a movie poster?
Does it communicate truly about the movie?

Communication objectives:
To bring out movie poster true nature to audience.

Creative execution:
A series of works that disclosure what movie poster is trying to communicate.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A movie poster brief

Is there any honestly in a movie poster?
Does it communicate truly about the movie?

Communication objectives:
To bring out movie poster true nature to audience.

Creative execution:
A series of works that disclosure what movie poster is trying to communicate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

abstract book cover of movies

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

FAQ about movie poster

everything you need to know about a movie poster:

Serious thought about honestly?

i think is a known fact that most movie poster dun sell movie as they are. Movie poster became a celebrity endorsement product. We admit as consumer we sometime choose movies because certain celebrity acting. 

Like adv , i believe every movie poster sell you a single idea. Be it you are hook by the idea, depend how effective the poster communication . Sadly we beginning to see less unique ideas portray in a movie poster and more superficial ideas.

A movie poster become a fabricated lies that mislead people.

I start to dig out movie poster that is guilty of such misleading people. 
The challenging is how do I turn it into a honest poster and still communicate effective.

I challenge myself to do a series of poster of a particular genre and remake it into what i believe to be honest.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Movie poster originals vs remakes.

I love the artice by alexander charchar regarding movie poster. He make a good comparsion between orgiinals and remake movie poster. Here a few sample. look into

If Movie Posters Were Honest

By the group of people call holy Taco. They show you what movie poster are really saying. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Japanese remake of hollywood poster

Japanese remake of hollywood poster reflect a strong japanese favour into it. 

Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills

The American feminist artist Cindy Sherman (1954) is famous for the Untitled Film Stillsseries (1977-1980) that consist of black-and-white photographs of the artist posing in different stereotypical female roles. Although she poses for her photographs, Sherman’s pictures are not self-portraits in a traditional sense.
The roles in the Untitled Film Stills series vary from an immature schoolgirl to an attractive seducer and from a glamour diva to a caring housewife. Importantly, her work encourages self-reflection in the spectator. As Sherman argues, “I’m trying to make other people recognize something of themselves rather than me.
Quote from

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jean Jullien horror movie poster


create three type-based posters to promote a horror film festival. the posters promote either three different films or the festival as a whole.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Olly Moss remake of famous movie poster

Brillant movie poster work by Olly Moss. Less is more!

As for film poster collectors, I have noticed a shift away from a strict
policy of collecting posters of one genre, director or star, towards an
approach more appreciative of the image and design of the poster. Bass' ability 
to transcend a film's 'look' and create meaningful symbols has made him the 
single most requested film poster designer of his time

Cuban Film Posters

El Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) was responsible for both domestic film production and the distribution of foreign films in Cuba. By founding a silkscreen workshop to create posters for all films shown in Cuba it created an aesthetic unity between these two branches of activity. The characteristic look of the Cuban film poster help fuse national and international productions into a single cinematic cultures.

As with Polish posters, Cuban designs were used not so much for promotional purposes- cinema was consistently popular and most films showed to a full house- but more as a form of cultural education,presenting a distinctively Cuban Slant on the film's subject.

Can singapore movie posters reflect that kind of aesthetic or present a distinctively Singapore slant?